Go Cocks!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Garden of Weeds

Ok, so I'm not usually good at weeding my garden to begin with, but this year has been extra bad. Just too many things going on and not enough effort on my part to get out there and "get 'er done", so to speak. However, I am starting to get a few things out of it... we ate the first tomatoes tonight, and I should have a handful of beans probably read for the pickin', too. We've already had squash and zuchini... hopefully my corn will turn out this year. (I'm not holding my breath.) I have some beautiful sunflowers, though, as well as a mutant or two:

This is one flower, but i think i saw another one out there today. On this last shot, you can see little sunflowers budding out of just about every leaf stem... I've never grown sunflowers before, but that seems a little, uh, "nucular" to me. Maybe this belongs with that three-eyed fish from Springfield... =)

One more pretty picture... it's not as pretty as it should have been, but still colorful and pretty nonetheless. Nature, after all, is beautiful in just about any condition!

Off to water my garden of weeds... it's been really hot - here, and everywhere else. Hopefully i won't get fried green tomatoes out of it, and hopefully we won't taste the weeds.

Farm Wars

Fun at the farm the weekend of July 4... don't try this at home! =)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Congratulations, Alpine!

Alpineman is now, officially, a Certified Nurse Aide! Got his letter Friday indicating that he was on the state registry, and then got his "scores" from the school... seems like he got 70 out of 75 right! Rock on... I knew you would kick ass! =)

Next stop: LPN school this fall. And in December of next year, you can move on to the next phase - RN, or whatever you wish. Good luck!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday, America!

Hope you had a great 4th of July, and took a little time to review (or learn) some American history. (Image above found here: http://www.globalfuture.com/images/declaration.jpg I have no idea what this website is about... I just wanted the image)

I watched Richard Dreyfus narrate a pretty interesting little bit on the Hamilton - Burr duel... the only thing I really knew about it was what I saw in that commercial that aired years ago: I think this guy gets a phone call from a radio station, asking him to answer one trivia question, probably to win something really cool. The question was something like "Who shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel on July 11, 1804?" Unfortunately, the guy had just taken a bite of peanut butter... his answer was: "Awah Buh! Awah ... Buuuh!!" Too bad his answer wasn't clear enough to win the glorious prize... =) Needless to say, I learned a lot. =) Go here for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton-Burr_duel

Another cool thing happened today... the space shuttle Discovery lifted off for a 12-day mission to space! It tried to launch Saturday and Sunday, but was cancelled each time for weather. Today, however, was a timely opportunity to watch some "rockets red glare", NASA style! Go to the NASA website for more information on this mission: http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/sts-121_front/index.html

Last, but certainly not least, today is a good day to pick up your copy of the US Constitution that should be on your coffeetable, or within quick reach, and read a little of it. Heck, read the whole thing... it doesn't take long. Understanding it... well, that might take a little longer. =) And if you don't have one, order one... you can get a pocket-sized copy (which also includes the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights) for free! http://www.constitutionfacts.com/bookstore/bookstore.cfm

For more info about the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, go here: http://www.archives.gov/national-archives-experience/charters/charters.html

Enjoy, and Happy Birthday, America!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Right Now !

Right now, you will watch this video...

Go Cocks!