Go Cocks!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Always a day late...

For some reason, I had it in my mind that Constitution Day was today. Oops! It was actually Sunday, but was celebrated yesterday. I guess that's kind of sad that I couldn't tell it was Constitution Day, though I'll admit that I didn't watch much of the news yesterday. So, here it is, a day late... but better late than never!


Go ye and order a free pocket-sized copy of the US Constitution! You only pay $2 shipping. I received a copy in my college government class, and we have kept it on the coffee table for several years now. It's a good reference. Get one! (HODAR, if you're reading, that means you!)


Alpineman, RN said...

I missed it? Dammit.

miss fluffy said...

That's ok... we practice using our copy of the Constitution more than once a year, anyway. =)