Go Cocks!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

poopie puppy

So, if you were ever wondering how to give a dog Pepto, try this:

Yes, I realize this looks disgusting, but ... whatever works! My poor puppy has had runny poop (some was downright watery) for a week now. The vet recommended Pepto. If you want to see something funny, just put a little dab of Pepto on your finger and let your dog lick it. The face they make trying to get that crap out of their mouths is hilarious! Anyway, since we really needed our poor puppy to drink the Pepto, Alpine suggested mixing it in rice. She loves rice. I usually make it with chicken broth if she's got an upset belly. She smelled the rice and was really looking forward to eating it... what an unpleasant surprise she got! hahaha... I think her love for rice overcame her distaste for Pepto, since she got most of this awful-looking pink nightmare down. The verdict is still out on the poop, but we successfully got two doses in her!

1 comment:

Micksmom2 said...

hehehehe. Now that's *tasty* It looks like one of those dishes from the 1970s Weight Watchers recipe cards from www.candyboots.com