The ACCF is trying to breed blight-resistance into their seeds, which individuals can request (along with a $20 donation to the ACCF, and a pledge to give an annual report on the status of the trees. There is another organization that has cross-bred an American Chestnut with a Chinese Chestnut (which supposedly has no issues with blight) to create a Chestnut tree that can survive long-term. However, they claimed ownership to all trees that individuals grow... so we went with the ACCF. Their trees are "all American" anyway... that's always better!
So, here we are, a century post-blight. Alpine and I have decided to try and replace a few of these lost trees... see if we can first, get them to grow, and second, help them to survive... but most importantly, see if they will grow to be blight-resistant!
Updates to follow... wish us luck!
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