Go Cocks!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Election Tuesday

So, if you don't know that Election Day is Tuesday, you must live under a rock. Honestly, I wish I lived under a rock lately, because I'm SO TIRED of hearing about politics!! We have endured this presidential election for... oh... at least a year and a half. I specifically recall some primary debates early last summer - that's TOO long ago! This election needs to be over... and they really don't need to start the next one so early!

That said, it's really important to vote. It's also important to be educated about who you are voting for and why. For me personally, it's difficult to trust anybody - the media, the politicians, the experts... ANYbody. But the best we can do is listen to everything and figure out where our priorities lie... then go from there. Here are a few websites for you to consider (in no particular order). I hope that you won't skip around and only read those that seem to interest you. They're all going to be boring! But... it's a part of educating yourself. Do yourself and this wonderful country a favor and figure out your priorities, then match those with each candidate. Most of all... GO VOTE!

John McCain's website

Barack Obama's website

comparison website

(If you have other useful websites feel free to post them.)

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