Go Cocks!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

07.21.08 - Skagway

We took an all day train ride into the Yukon Territory! It was a beautiful trip.
Yes, we actually had a stove in the train car. And yes, it was actually cool enough to use it! I might even say it was cold enough to hover over it, but the Alaskans would just laugh at me.
Another view of the cruise ships... from the train this time. (waay back there!)
Since we didn't really get to spend much time in town in Juneau, Bec and I decided to eat in town here. Of course, we had to go to the Red Onion Saloon... one of the famous stops in Skagway. Unfortunately, all we really had time to do was eat and run. It was good enough, but it would have been nice to take a tour of the place. But hey - one can only do so much without missing the boat! =)
Beer and pizza... I don't typically drink beer, but I had to have an Alaskan Summer Ale. It was tasty!

You can barely see the train track hugging the mountain in the distance... and you can't really see the bridge just left of the middle of the picture.
Yep - this bridge. We're going to cross it. In a train.
The lighter paths going down the mountain are avalance paths.
Getting ready to go over the bridge and through the tunnel!
Getting ready to go... somewhere!
Near the Alaska / Canada border
This was unlike anything I've ever seen before... small, scraggly little trees (no nutrients, little sunlight), lots of rocks and beautiful but odd colored water.
An old avalanche barrier

Frasier, British Columbia, Canada - time to check passports!

Bennett Lake, BC
Chilkoot Trail
Leftovers from the goldrushers that stayed at Bennett
Remnants of the pier

Off in the distance, our destination: Carcross, Yukon, Canada
We were told that we MUST take the time to get ice cream at the Matthew Watson General Store, so we did!

The story is that this was a hotel that was located in Bennett. Supposedly, the owner moved it to Carcross during winter over the frozen lake. This was a common way to travel during winter... across frozen water... but I can't imagine moving a building like that. Who knows... but that's the story!

So, by this point, we thought we had seen most of the wildlife that we would see on this trip. We were pleasantly surprised to see a black bear - something we hadn't seen yet in Alaska - next to the railroad tracks on our bus ride back to Skagway!
International Falls

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