Go Cocks!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy 4th of July... eat, drink and be merry!

Here's to the REAL National Anthem, individual liberties and this great country of ours. Do yourself a favor: reread the Declaration of Independence... listen to (or, even better, sing!) the National Anthem (the RIGHT way, mind you)... and enjoy the freedoms that we have been given by being US citizens... by birth or by choice.

Declaration of Independence
National Anthem

the WRONG way (if you haven't yet heard it)

I guess I don't understand why some people don't recognize that they only have the freedom to be an idiot BECAUSE they live in these wonderful United States... but you know they won't choose to leave because they couldn't CHOOSE to be said idiot in most other places. People who refuse to show patriotism should be forced to get out. If you don't appreciate your freedoms as a US citizen, then you shouldn't benefit from those freedoms by default. Just. Get. Out. grrr.... I'll stop now.

Happy 4th!!

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